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International News | March 4, 2025

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How Two CU Denver Students Became “Heroes” in Berlin

How Two CU Denver Students Became “Heroes” in Berlin

September 12, 2016 |

It seems that 2016 has not been an easy year for anyone. In fact, it’s been so noticeably bad that a quick Google search of the contiguous numbers “2016” yields results such as: Slate’s, “Is 2016 the Worst Year in History“, The Atlantic’s, “How to Deal with 2016 Despair“, and Foreign Policy’s, “2016: The Theory Behind a Very Bad Year (And It’s Only Half Over)“.

With these headlines competing for the most clicks, views, or some other version of media traffic, it can feel like the world is crumbling apart. Then people like University of Colorado Denver Political Science majors Alexander Peck and Max Dalton seem to put those fragile pieces back together.
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Diversity & Inclusion Highlighted at NAFSA 2016

June 15, 2016 |

Preparing Tomorrow’s Globally Competent Citizens & Professionals

Ten thousand international educators from around the world recently converged at the Colorado Convention Center for the spring NAFSA 2016 Association of International Educators conference, the largest annual event of its kind. The goal? To sharpen focus on best practices, emerging trends, and new programs designed to prepare tomorrow’s generation of globally competent citizens and professionals. At the top of the list was an interest in how to maximize educational approaches in increasingly diverse classrooms of first-generation college students, minority populations, and international students. Read More

Preparing To Help Africa During Global Climate Change

March 29, 2016 |

CU Denver Student Studies Abroad to Jumpstart Career

With an end goal in sight – that of helping communities in rural regions of Africa with sustainable development for climate change — University of Colorado Denver senior Patrick Woodruff knew that learning to speak Swahili and taking a study abroad trip were important next steps. To obtain help in facilitating the process, Woodruff contacted the Global Education: Study Abroad office at CU Denver, where the staff helped him with the course credit transfer and pre-departure orientation.
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Learning Arabic: Growth & Transformation of My Worldview

March 20, 2016 |

CU Denver Student Hones Language Skills in Jordan

Did you know that the English words “sugar” and “cotton” come from Arabic? Although different languages may share similar words or derivatives, learning another language can still be challenging; Arabic, for example, takes an average of at least 88 weeks of classroom study for a native English speaker to acquire proficiency. To dive even further into learning Arabic, Aaron Ferencik, a senior at the University of Colorado Denver, took the plunge and spent a summer studying abroad at the Princess Sumaya University of Technology in Amman, Jordan.

“I decided to study abroad because I had been overseas before in the military and wanted to go back outside of the country. I also knew that I would not be able to advance my Arabic language skills as far if I did not go to the Middle East and study intensely among native speakers,” said Ferencik.
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Launching the New Alumni Program – CU Culture & Cuisine: Spain

February 17, 2016 |

University of Colorado Denver

Lively conversations, laughter, and delicious Spanish tapas and wines accentuated an evening of fun and learning as the University of Colorado Denver celebrated the launch of its new CU Alumni Culture & Cuisine: Spain program. Whether the event-goers were seasoned world travelers or planning their first study trip abroad, all agreed that Barcelona is an excellent location for learning about the arts, architecture, history, and foods of the region.
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Teachings From a “Tiger Economy”

August 12, 2015 |

Studying Leadership & Entrepreneurship in Ireland

The economic challenges facing the EU (European Union) have severely impacted businesses and at the same time have given rise to new ideas in entrepreneurship, organizational management and operations and leadership, especially in Ireland. In January 2014, Forbes ranked Ireland atop its list of “Best Countries for Business”, stating that “in spite of the turbulent last few years, Irish entrepreneurs have continued to innovate, disrupt and drive growth.” According to the UK’s The Guardian, February 2015, “Ireland’s tiger economy roared back to life last year and will retain its crown in 2015 as the fastest growing in the EU, according to Brussels’ latest forecasts.”

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Best Friends in Beijing

July 16, 2015 |

Studying Abroad Enhances Education

Best friends Claudia Pando and Courtney Scott met during the second week of their freshman year at the University of Colorado Denver. A friendly conversation, started over pizza, quickly turned to their shared passion for Chinese language and culture, and interest in CU Denver’s Semester in Beijing program. “I’m not sure who brought up the program up first, but afterwards we could not stop talking about it!” said Pando. The two made a decision to participate in the program together, sparking the beginning of a meaningful friendship and a great adventure.
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Non-traditional Undergraduate Inspires Fellow Students

May 24, 2015 |

Betty Goes to China

Betty Pearson is a trailblazer. As a first-generation, legally blind, 66-year-old undergraduate, she has been faced with many challenges, but she has never let that stop her. For Pearson, getting her college degree was just another obstacle to overcome. So, after 40 years as a working mom, Pearson returned to school as a student in CU Denver’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Now, having just completed her fifth semester of college, Pearson decided she was ready for a new challenge, an adventure—studying in China. Read More

Cause for Celebration : Global Study Scholarship

May 20, 2015 |

Receiving a scholarship is cause for celebration, especially when it makes the difference in whether you can pursue your education in another country. Students in degree programs ranging from architecture to public health to international business recently celebrated their newfound opportunities to study in countries ranging from South Korea to England to Cuba. Each student has a unique and compelling reason for participating in their program, and they all share one thing in common: their experiences abroad will be made possible by the Global Study Scholarship offered by the office of Global Education: Study Abroad, University of Colorado Denver.
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New “Crime & Criminal Justice” Study Abroad Program in London

May 19, 2015 |

London – Twelve eager students traverse the cobblestone streets, catching the tube from site to site, pausing to scribble notes in their journals and listen attentively to trials and lectures. These students were participating in the Crime & Criminal Justice in London Global Study program, which ran for the first time over the 2015 Winterim. This intensive, two-week study abroad program focused on the impact of England on the contemporary practice of criminal justice.

“It’s a great opportunity for students to expand their worldview and see how other systems handle the universal problem of crime, often in very different ways,”

explained Lonnie Schaible, PhD, Assistant Professor and faculty leader of the program.
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